COVID-19/Coronavirus Update

7 April 2020 Update

 To: All Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Visitors and Contractors 


In light of the global spread of the COVID-19, Prior Scientific is providing this updated notice to outline the policy implemented to prevent the spread of the virus. Prior Scientific continuously monitors government and health organization recommendations to ensure that we follow all government requirements needed to protect our employees and business interests. As the situation continues to develop, we will update these precautionary measures as necessary. All employees are encouraged to review the awareness guidelines about COVID 19. These guidelines (for employees) have been sent to all employees. 

Essential Business 

Our highest priority is protecting the health and safety of our employees and their families. Many of Prior Scientific’s businesses are considered essential by the national governments in countries where we operate. As such, our intent is to establish and maintain a safe workplace and guidelines that allow operations associated with these essential businesses to continue. 


The corporate policy for COVID 19 is following the highest level of alert of the governments in which we have a legal entity and discretion on Prior Scientific’s part based on other information we have received. 

Current guidelines are for only essential travel to take place. As there is currently no need for employees to travel other than to their normal place of work it is Prior Scientific’s recommendation that this is the only travel to be done by any of its employees. If this changes you will need to abide by the following guidelines. 

For any travel, you must: 

1. Receive approval from a director. 

2. Follow in-country protocols by local authorities. 

3. Follow home and host country/local protocols as defined by local authorities. 

If a country has increased the level of threat independently, employees should follow the local government rules and regulations and there may be more restrictions put in place by Prior Scientific. 

When travel is restricted, meetings or business discussions are to be conducted online or by phone. 

When travelling either by air or in public transportation please try to keep your distance from other travelers when possible. If available, we recommend that you carry a mask in your carry on just in case the traveler next to you shows signs of respiratory illness. 

Some of Prior Scientific’s offices may have more stringent policies in effect that may prohibit visitors from certain countries from accessing the location, please confirm in advance with the colleagues you are visiting that access will be granted and make sure you are familiar with their policies regarding work on-site and entry to the building. 

Personal Travel 

You may have made or are considering personal domestic and/or international travel. The same rules that apply to business travel apply to personal travel with the exception of the need to get pre-approval for the trip. Please notify a director if you are travelling domestic or internationally. 

Re-Entering a Prior Scientific facility after Travel (Business and Personal): 

We make an effort to keep our on-site employees safe. Therefore, if you were in a location or used public transportation that violated the practice of safe social distancing please do not enter a Prior Scientific facility. Contact your manager and HR in order to establish when you can safely re-enter a Prior Scientific facility. 

Event and Meeting Participation 

The following guidelines regarding participation in business events and meetings apply to all countries. 

Travel for internal meetings – Not permitted. 

Participation in internal meetings – preferred by electronic means only, else strictly following 

social distancing guideline 

Participation in external industry events – Not permitted. 

Participation in business critical events – Subject to director approval. 


As always, we ask that all employees, regardless of location, follow strict hygiene practices. According to medical professionals globally, hand washing is one of the most effective ways to prevent respiratory infections. Washing with either alcohol (60%) or soap/water (20+ seconds) are effective. 


If you have a fever or respiratory infection or are generally unwell, you should seek medical attention, stay out of work until you recover, and contact your manager and/or HR to let them know that you will be out of work and prior to your return to work. 

We will continue to keep you updated with the latest information available. You are also encouraged to check the World Health Organization website and local government health organization. 

Entry to Prior Scientific Facilities 

Prior Scientific facilities have status levels that impact employees and visitors entering the building. 

By Visitors: Not permitted except for essential maintenance/breakdown 

By Employees: For permitted worker who cannot work remotely or to allow the facility to remain open or by Director approval 

Employees who test positive for COVID-19: 

Different countries have different guidelines for people who test positive for COVID-19 and when it is safe for them to be around other people. Please follow the following guidelines: 

• Employee should follow instructions from medical doctor and/or local health authorities. 

• Employee should notify local HR. 

• Where testing is available employees may return to work on-site once they have been tested again and receive a negative result. 

• Where follow-up or repeat testing may not be available, employees who test positive should remain out of the office until 14 days from when they were first tested or at least 72 hours after resolution of all symptoms, whichever is later. “Resolution of symptoms” means no fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat or related symptoms. These symptoms must resolve without the aid of fever-reducing or other symptom- altering medicines (such as cough suppressants). 

We still ask that you receive HR approval prior to re-entering a Prior Scientific facility.