Specialist positioning subsystems provide core building blocks in 3D surface measurement and inspection solutions for the semiconductor industry. Prior Scientific and Queensgate offer a diversified portfolio of enabling technologies to underpin the high-speed, high-precision positioning requirements of 3D optical metrology systems used in semiconductor manufacturing and applied R&D. Physics World talked to Queensgate product manager Craig […]
Queensgate awarded funding for fourth research project with NPL
Queensgate, a brand of Prior Scientific, has won funding from Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency, for a fourth nanopositioning research project as part of Analysis for Innovators (A4I) program (Round 11). This will be the fourth project Queensgate has won funding for through A4I, and once again, they will be working with the dimensional […]
New Microscope Automation Guides Available Now!
We’ve updated our popular microscope automation guides for Nikon and Evident/Olympus Microscopes. These comprehensive guides feature system charts showing the compatibility of Prior’s components with the most widely-used microscopes from both brands. The guides include current models as well as some earlier generations that are still commonly used. These guides are an invaluable starting point […]
High accuracy sample positioner now offers up to 800 µm travel
Queensgate’s NanoScan SP800 nanopositioning sample scanner offers high-accuracy positioning performance for longer ranges. Queensgate has added a new model to its range of piezo-driven sample positioners. The SP800 offers 800 µm of travel (closed loop) with a resolution of 1.2 nm and a step settle time of under 10 ms. It can cope with up to […]
New ISO certifications demonstrate Prior Scientific’s commitment to improved environmental practices
Prior Scientific is now certified to ISO Environment (14001:2015) and Health & Safety (45001:2018). The company already has Quality Management (9001:2015) which has been successfully renewed. The new certificates apply to Prior’s manufacturing locations in Fulbourn and Paignton in the UK. Adopting effective environment management practices will enable Prior to reduce its environmental impact and […]
Prior Scientific achieves EcoVadis sustainability award
Prior Scientific achieves EcoVadis sustainability award We are proud to announce that we have achieved a bronze medal for our sustainability practices from EcoVadis. The award is based on our performance in sustainability management in the following areas: · Environment · Labor and Human Rights · Ethics · Sustainable Procurement. Achieving bronze status puts us in the top 50% of companies rated […]
Was ist das Erfolgsrezept für die Qualitätssicherung in der Nanopositionierung?
Queensgate und Prior treiben die Grenzen der Nanopositionierung seit Jahrzehnten voran und sind bestrebt, unseren Kunden die höchstmögliche Qualitätssicherung zu bieten. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem National Physical Laboratory (NPL) und den Erhalt von Fördermitteln aus dem Programm Analysis for Innovators (A4I) von Innovate UK konnten wir die Art und das Ausmaß parasitärer (achsfremder) Wahrnehmungsfehler […]
Queensgate kooperiert mit NPL bei drittem A4I-finanzierten Forschungsprojekt
Der Nanopositionierungsexperte Queensgate hat in Runde 8 des Programms “Analysis for Innovation” (A4I) von Innovate UK eine Finanzierung erhalten. Dies ist der dritte erfolgreiche Antrag im Rahmen dieser Initiative. A4I ermöglicht britischen Unternehmen den Zugang zu hochmodernen Einrichtungen von Weltrang und wissenschaftlichem Fachwissen, um Probleme zu lösen, die sie mit Standardtechnologien und -verfahren nicht lösen […]
Update to Privacy Policy
We have updated our privacy policy to give website users a better understanding of how we may collect, process and, use personal data. The new policy includes specific details of compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA). The full policy, which came […]
Meet DESI XS – MS imaging Case Study
Prior Scientific is known for developing and manufacturing cutting-edge microscope automation, working with OEMs and start-ups to help bring their concepts to market. Waters, a market leader in mass spectrometry imaging systems, aimed to offer their customers an enhanced imaging solution that is not only reliable and fast but also durable and user-friendly. This case […]
Prior und NPL arbeiten gemeinsam an 3D-Positionskorrektur
Video-Fallstudie: Prior und NPL arbeiten gemeinsam an räumlicher 3D-Positionskorrektur Eine neue Video-Fallstudie des Programms Analysis for Innovators (A4I) von Innovate UK beleuchtet die Zusammenarbeit von Prior Scientific mit dem britischen National Physical Laboratory (NPL) bei der Entwicklung räumlicher 3D-Korrekturalgorithmen zur Erhöhung der Genauigkeit der Nanopositioniertische mit großem Verfahrweg von Queensgate. Prior Scientific erhielt von A4I […]