Affordable Controller for 3-axis Motorized Stage Systems
The OptiScan III ES11 controller is a reliable and affordable solution for automating routine imaging applications with fast, accurate movements.
It enables users to easily combine and control XY stages and focusing mechanisms to facilitate routine motorized microscopy. The controller is plug-and-play to allow quick and easy setup and is most typically combined with Prior's ES111 stage and PS3H122R focus motor.
It can also be combined with Prior's ProScan stages where larger travel ranges are needed but with lower precision movement. With a compact footprint, the ES11 is easily integrated into OEM devices.
The ES11 is compatible with many popular image analysis software packages, such as Nikon NIS Elements and Evident/Olympus PRECiV, Stream Motion and CellSens Dimension.
For OEM customers and customized microscope builders, the OptiScan III is also provided with an open access software development kit (SDK).