Prior Scientific introduces motorized nosepieces for use with OpenStand microscopes

Prior Scientific introduces motorized nosepieces for use with OpenStand microscopes Prior’s motorized objective changer nosepieces are the latest addition to the OpenStand product family to provide customers with additional automation for OEM optical solutions and one-off custom microscopes Rockland, MA. USA – 21 July 2022: Prior Scientific Instruments Ltd., a manufacturer of microscopy solutions and […]

Prior Scientific introduces CS200 joysticks and touchscreen to control Prior stages and focus drives, and motorized accessories

Prior Scientific release the new CS200 series of joysticks and TS200 touchscreen display to control their ProScan™ and OptiScan™ products. Prior Scientific, a manufacturer of microscopy solutions and precision optical and electromechanical equipment, today announced the launch of the CS200 line of joysticks. These joysticks offer a simple, ergonomic, and cost-effective way to manually control your […]

Prior Scientific Introduces the OpenStand Motorized Optical Stand

A new motorized stand combined with Prior Scientific’s portfolio of automation and optical components offers a new way to develop custom optical platforms. The OpenStand is a unique modular platform that allows for easy customization. It is a fully configurable and motorized optical stand, when combined with a range of readily available optics, light sources […]

COVID-19/Coronavirus Update

7 April 2020 Update  To: All Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Visitors and Contractors  General  In light of the global spread of the COVID-19, Prior Scientific is providing this updated notice to outline the policy implemented to prevent the spread of the virus. Prior Scientific continuously monitors government and health organization recommendations to ensure that we follow all […]

Queensgate: collaborating to push the boundaries of measurement science

The National Physical Laboratory and Queensgate share an unrelenting passion for better precision at the cutting edge of measurement science Queensgate XY stage in AFM at National Physical Laboratories Queensgate – a brand of Prior Scientific Instruments – offers their customers maximum precision and accuracy along with high-speed solutions for the nanopositioning challenges they face. […]

Prior Scientific Chariots of Fire 2018 Update

With the sun shining and a turn out of more than 1,750 people it was the perfect day for racing in this years Chariots of Fire 2018. The event has been running for over 25 years and raised over £1 million, originally starting out with 27 teams but at this years event there was over […]

Prior Scientific ready for the Chariots of Fire 2018

Two teams from Prior Scientific are set to race in this years Chariots Of Fire event on Sunday 16th September 2018. The charity race which started in 1992 and has seen roughly 38,000 runners racing against each other in teams over the years. This years 1.7 mile course will take place through the grounds of […]

Prior Scientific宣布在中国新开设办事处

Prior Scientific今天宣布在中国苏州开设的新办事处正式开始运营。作为设计并制造精密定位设备、光学系统、自动化解决方案和组件的世界领先企业,Prior Scientific将为中国市场提供本地化的销售和技术支持业务。

首席执行官Tom Freda表示:“新办事处在中国的开业标志着Prior令人骄傲的历史中的又一个里程碑。这个新办事处将使我们能够在中国地区开展业务,让我们可以更加密切地支持我们的客户。“

Prior Scientific推出新网站

Prior Scientific推出新网站 马萨诸塞州,罗克兰(2017年12月11日) – Prior Scientific隆重发布了其新设计的网站。作为精密定位设备、光学系统、自动化解决方案及组件设计与制造的全球领导者,我们进行了全面的品牌形象重塑。我们专注于从单个组件到整个系统的“端到端”设计,包括显微镜自动化、OEM解决方案和精密组件。作为值得所有科学仪器公司信赖的全球供应商,Prior Scientific可以最大限度地提高您的投资回报率,同时最大限度地降低设计和原型研发的前期成本。 新网站采用用户友好型导航,完善了功能性,提供更加丰富的内容以及整洁美观的页面设计。该网站将持续更新产品发布、业务活动、公司要闻与事件等内容。最重要的是,Prior Scientific致力于为客户提供最高水平的行业服务。您将了解我们如何按照您的个性化需求创建高性价比的定制/OEM解决方案。 Prior Scientific是显微镜自动化设备的领先制造商,包括高精度电动显微镜载物台、自动玻片和平板装载机、LED和金属卤化物荧光照明器、压电Z载物台、电动滤光片转盘、高速光阑、定制和OEM机电和光学系统。为了在各个领域内为研究人员开发创新型产品,Prior Scientific与多家科学设备制造商保持着紧密合作。欲了解更多有关实际应用、显微镜平台优化或相关附件的OEM开发信息,请联系Prior Scientific Inc.:电话800-877-2234 / 传真781-878-8736 / 写信致80 Reservoir Park Drive, Rockland, MA. 02370,Prior Scientific公司 / 发送电子邮件至 / 访问我们的网站。


Prior载物台被用于一项对比传统荧光标记与表面增强拉曼散射纳米粒子(SERS NPs)的研究,研究发现两种成像方法存在显著差异。 Prior Scientific的H117电动精密载物台参与了一项传统荧光探针与SERS NPs的特性对比研究,这两种方法均用于对活细胞和固定细胞进行荧光成像。 由于纳米粒子的稳定性和其表现出的窄光谱特征,研究者正在更多地选择在生物成像中使用SERS纳米粒子而非传统荧光标签。加利福尼亚大学戴维斯生物光子学中心的Maria Navas-Moreno和他的同事对荧光探针与SERS NPs方法进行了对比,结果显示这两种方法在固定细胞成像中产生了相似的结果,但在应用于活细胞时却呈现出了截然不同的图形。这项发表在Scientific Reports中的研究表明,在使用SERS代替传统探针之前,必须考虑到预期之外的纳米粒子细胞相互作用。 包括H117载物台的自建拉曼显微镜系统是该系统的关键部分。Maria认为,H117的大行程范围(114 x 75 mm)尤为重要,确保了大视野的轻松成像。Prior Scientific全球战略市场经理Manuj Patel表示: “H117载物台通常是活细胞成像的首选载物台,因为它提供了优秀的速度和精度,重复精度高达0.2μm,度量精度0.059μm/mm,同时借助ProScan III控制系统,他能够轻松集成到众多成像软件包中。我非常感谢Maria及其同事与我们分享他们有趣的研究成果,并对我们的产品提供这样的积极反馈。“ 欲了解更多关于此研究的信息,请点击此处或联系Prior Scientific。

Prior Scientific为麦克米伦癌症援助组织筹集£250

9月29日,Prior Scientific为World’s Biggest Coffee Morning慈善机构的麦克米伦癌症援助组织筹集了250英镑。出于美好的愿景,Prior Scientific的员工烘焙制作了数十种美味的蛋糕,并以此筹集了超过120英镑,公司出资金额与之相同。我们的首席技术官Stuart Jarvis凭借其新颖的蛋糕作品获得了烘焙比赛的胜利。