Linear Motor Ultra-precision Stage for Evident/Olympus Inverted Microscopes
The HLD117IX linear motor stage is adapted for Evident/Olympus inverted research microscopes.
It is the most accurate and repeatable stage Prior offers providing controlled constant velocity for continuous motion scanning or stitch mosaicing. It is suitable for long-term time-lapse imaging, high-content screening (with Prior's PLW20 well-plate loader), and point-to-point imaging.
The HLD117IX uses low-friction linear drives for exceptional acceleration and deceleration, and operates at higher speeds than stepper motor stages. It features 50 nm linear encoders for enhanced long-range accuracy and linearity.
Its flat top plate allows easy access to the sample for loading and ensures compatibility with a wide range of optics.
This stage is compatible with Evident/Olympus CellSens Dimension software (appropriate package required).