Encoded Motorized 12-inch Travel Stage For Upright Microscopy
The ProScan HE12/2ST encoded motorized XY stage is compatible with Nikon and Evident/Olympus upright industrial microscopes, Prior's OpenStand-L platform, and is easily integrated into custom microscopes.
Designed for scanning large, heavy samples such as 12-inch semiconductor wafers, flat panel displays, and printed circuit boards, it offers the longest travel range of any of Prior's XY stages. It is compatible with transmitted light applications.
The HE12/2ST has linear encoders for exceptional long-range repeatability and a 2 mm ballscrew for a balance of speed and resolution. Prior's patented Intelligent Scanning Technology (IST) to enhance accuracy and linearity. It is compatible with transmitted light applications and provides easy access for loading samples.
This stage is compatible with Nikon NIS Elements, Olympus Stream Motion and Evident PRECiV software (appropriate package required).