Motorized High Performance Stage for Evident/Olympus IX2 Series Microscopes
The ProScan H117P1I4 motorized XY stage is compatible with Evident/Olympus IX71 and IX81 inverted microscopes.
It uses a 1 mm ballscrew and 400-step motor drive configuration for high-resolution movements. The H117P1I4 is a good choice for experiments that require precise movements and high stability in one position.
Prior's patented Intelligent Scanning Technology (IST) optimizes stage accuracy and linearity.
A flat top plate allows easy access to the sample for loading, compatibility with many stage-top incubation systems, and enables the use of peripheral equipment around the sample for complex imaging operations.
The H117P1I4 is compatible with Evident/Olympus CellSens Dimension software (appropriate package required).
See the product compatibility tab for the full list of options available.