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Encoded Motorized Z Deck

Electrophysiology Platform With XY Encoded Stepper Motor Stage

The encoded Z Deck Quick Adjust Platform, with motorized XY stage, enables users to automatically image multiple areas of interest with speed and precision, and enhance productivity in electrophysiology applications. 

Featuring linear encoders for exceptional long-range repeatibility, it provides closed-loop control, enabling even very small sample features to be relocated to the center of the microscope field of view with ease.

The ultra-stable platform allows full access for micromanipulation and the height is quickly and easily adjusted for use with different sample sizes from thin samples to whole animal imaging

The large stage top plate has a breadboard pattern for mounting experiment accessories, and an aperture compatible with a wide range of sample holders.  

For experiments requiring the minimum of electrical noise, the manual Z Deck is available.

This platform is compatible with a range of upright microscopes from the main manufacturers. See the product compatibility tab for details. 

    • Motorized XY stage with encoders ensures excellent repeatability
    • Change between thin sample and whole animal imaging height in seconds
    • Easy access for mounting additional micromanipulators and stereotaxic instruments
    • Large sample area for mounting heating, cooling, perfusion, or incubation chambers
    • Compatible with most microscope brands
Z Deck Travel 57 mm
Vibration Table Compatibility 1/4-20 or 6 mm
XY Travel 65 mm x 65 mm
XY Resolution 40 nm
XY Speed 15 mm/s
Spacers Provided 4 pillar spacers, 4 x 1 inch spacers
ProScan Controller Power Universal external power supply. Input 100-240V, 50/60Hz., Max 1.6A
ProScan Computer Interface RS232/USB
ProScan Communication Protocol 8 bit word, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshake

Specifications as per datasheet. Please see datasheet for details.

  • HZ201 Adapter insert Plate allowing any standard insert to be attached

  • HZ202 Solid insert plate

  • HZ203 Nikon 108mm ring insert plate

  • HZ204 Olympus 110mm ring insert plate

Option Manufacturer Compatibility Notes
ZDZ12ME Zeiss Axio Examiner
ZDN12ME Nikon FN1, Ni-E (focusing nosepiece)
ZDP12ME Evident/Olympus BX51WI, BX61WI
ZDL12ME Leica DM6 FS

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