Encoded High Precision Motorized XYZ Deck
Prior Scientific’s HZ106KT1E is the ideal platform for multiphoton and confocal microscopy and live animal research applications.
Prior's encoded flat top H101E1F stage is incorporated into the HZ106KT1E for precise, accurate XY positioning. Its linear encoders enhance repeatability for long-term or multipoint time-lapse experiments or for scanning large areas.
HZ106KT1E is a robust, versatile platform suitable for slides and dishes or whole animal studies. The height is adjustable from 87 mm to 391 mm, with motorized XY travel of up to 50 mm, and a load capacity of 10 kg to allow for live animal apparatus.
The 25kg lifting capacity of the Z-axis enables more complex experimental set-ups, not requiring XY translation, to be used with the HZ106KT1E.
Available in the US: for other regions, please contact us. Mounting breadboard not included.