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25 mm High Speed Shutters

The HF202HT 25 mm high-speed shutter attaches to the Prior HF110 filter wheel or can be used as a standalone unit controlled by the ProScan control system. Although electronic shutters are now routine in conventional microscopy, hardware shutters remain important for high-end microscopy and laser safety.

It has a shutter speed of 10 ms and a maximum operation frequency of 40 Hz, in bursts of 4 seconds or less, with an interval of 60 seconds between each burst. For constant operation, the maximum frequency is 10 Hz.

A large selection of adapters allows it to fit to the excitation port of many commercial microscopes.

See the product compatibility tab for all options.

    • 40 Hz maximum frequency of operation
    • 10 ms shutter speed
    • Excitation or brightfield applications
    • TTL (transistor-transistor logic) pulse control
Product Code HF200HT HF202HT
Filter size 25 mm 25 mm
Shutter speed 10 ms 10 ms
Maximum operating frequency 40 Hz 40 Hz
Controller Driven via ProScan System Driven via ProScan System
Mounting method Filter wheel mounted Standalone

Specifications as per datasheet. Please see datasheet for details.

Option Manufacturer Compatibility Notes


+ HF235

Evident/Olympus BX51, BX61, BX53, BX53M, BX63, IX71, IX81, IX73, IX83 For episcopic excitation


+ HF215

Leica DMLS, DMR, DM4000, DM5000, DM6000, DM6 For episcopic excitation


+ HF220

Nikon Ti-U, Ti-E, 50i, 80i, Ni-U, Ni-L, Ni-E, Ci-E, Ci-L, Ci-S For episcopic excitation. Ni and Ci models require Ni-FLEI and CI-FL reflected light units.


+ HF240

Zeiss Axioscope For episcopic excitation


+ HF214

Leica DMLS, DMR, DM4000, DM5000, DM6000 For transmitted light


+ HF238

Evident/Olympus BX51, BX61 For transmitted light

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