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Stage Focusing Mount for Reflected Light Applications

The FB204 and FB205 stage focusing mounts are compatible with Prior's motorized stages for upright reflected microscopy. They are suitable for breadboard-mounted optical systems and customized microscopes. 

They incorporate the high-performance FB203 linear actuator for 38 mm Z-axis travel and have a high load capacity of 14 kg for use with heavy samples or large stages. 

FB204 is mounted in line with the axis of travel to provide a stable platform and maximize the height of the system. 

The base of FB205 is offset from the linear axis for integration with space-constrained customized optical systems.

Either the FB204 or FB205, when combined with a Prior stage and controller, provide an extremely reliable XYZ platform for both academic and industrial research into applications such as materials chemistry or semiconductor development. Its simple but high-performance design makes it easy to integrate with gantry based optics. 

    • Long travel range for microscopy applications
    • High load capacity
    • Choice of mounting adapters
    • Compatible with most Prior XY stages
    • Sub-micron repeatability
Product Code FB204 FB205
Dimensions (at min. range) 177 x 155 x 143 mm 180 x 163 x 144 mm
Resolution 20 nm 20 nm
Straightness (over full travel) ± 3.5 µm ± 3.5 µm
Full travel repeatability ± 0.7 µm ± 0.7 µm
Full Travel Metric Accuracy < 5 µm < 5 µm
Drive mechanism Zero backlash, recirculating ball screws Zero backlash, recirculating ball screws
Travel range 38 mm 38 mm
Speed range (max load) 1 – 14 mm/s 1 – 14 mm/s
Encoder No No
Max load 14 kg 14 kg
Cable length 1 m 1 m
Mounting method In-line with travel Offset from travel

Specifications as per datasheet. Please see datasheet for details.

Option Manufacturer Compatibility Notes

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