High-content screening (HCS) uses high performance imaging automation and data processing to assay complex cellular phenotypes. It is used in the field of life science microscopy, including applications such as drug discovery, cancer screening and stem cell research. Imaging targets include whole cells, organelles, or molecular markers in the cytoplasm.
HCS is often coupled with high-capacity motorized microscopy stages or robotic sample handing systems to generate large datasets.
The aim of HCS is to generate as much information from each sample as required for an assay. This requires numerous motorized components in the light path, for example to facilitate multi-channel fluorescence imaging. Other benefits include:
Detailed information: spatial and morphological information are crucial, allowing recognition of specific phenotypes. Artificial intelligence and high-end microscopy technique can further enhance HCS.
Increased efficiency: with robotics, it’s possible to screen large numbers of plates as part of a single imaging routine. HCS analysis can be performed during the routine in some cases, with datasets dynamically updated throughout the process.
Data validation: using high quality microscope automation components, it is possible to return to individual wells to interrogate specific phenotypes efficiently.
We have over 20 years’ experience in manufacturing robotic sample handling systems. Our PLW20 Well Plate Loader offers high capacity for extended autonomous operation. The new SL160 slide loader can be also modified to support non-well plate based HCS assays based on slides.